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Tribeca 2024 | Under the Grey Sky Interview with Director & Screenwriter Mara Tamkovich

Before its world premiere, I sat down with the director of Under the Grey Sky, Mara Tamkovich.

Mara Tamkovich's debut feature depicts the crackdown of a demonstration against the 2020 Belarusian election. The central character, Lena, a journalist under the regime, is arrested for live-streaming the event, providing a stark look at modern-day political repression.

You can buy tickets to see it during Tribeca 2024 here

Look for a review soon.

See this content in the original post


00:10 Introduction and Premiere Details

01:06 Mara Tamkovich's Personal Connection to the Film

02:06 Incorporating Real Footage into Fiction

03:33 Narrative vs. Documentary Approach

05:25 Journalism Background and Film Creation

07:22 Current Situation in Belarus

09:15 Tribeca Premiere and Audience Takeaways

10:45 Conclusion and Screening Information

Until next time!