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Tribeca 2023 Review: American Sikh Is an Excellent Teaser of What’s to Come From Vishavjit Singh and Ryan Westra

When I first heard about American Sikh, I wasn't sure what to make of it. Was this an animated short romanticizing America's obsession with superheroes, or was this autobiographical?

The answer to that question is yes to both. Vishavjit Singh narrates the animated short, co-directs alongside Ryan Westra as well as being one of the short's producers. At the base level, this is the story of Singh's experiences as an American-born, turban-wearing Sikh man who faced intense prejudice, self-doubt, and violence. Then, after he becomes Sikh Captain America, he eventually finds a road toward acceptance.

For the most part, this approach to the narrative works, as Singh has lived through these events and gives valuable insight into his experiences as a Sikh living in America, and features several segments that are hard to watch.

However, the narrative isn't flawless. For starters, it feels like a teaser to what could eventually turn into a feature film. Furthermore, while it does explain the hypocrisy of Singh having to dress as Captain America to be accepted, I wish it provided a more in-depth look at the pedestal we put superheroes on and how that relates to societal, racial, and political issues in America.

That said, I'll be interested to see what Westra, Singh, and animation studio Studio Showoff have planned in the future. There is a ton of style to Studio Showoff's animation (especially in the intro) that's enhanced by Westra's editing, and Randhir Singh's score weaves a vibrant tapestry of jazzy vibes with tons of woodwinds and horns that feels right at home with this story.


American Sikh had its world premiere at the 2023 Tribeca Festival.

Until next time!

Thanks to Shane Conto, Joseph Davis, David Walters, Ambula Bula, and Brian Skuttle for supporting Austin B Media on Patreon!